Software Engineer
AbraCollabra I

AbraCollabra I

AbraCollabra is a community project sponsored by Lana Lux designed to be a walk-through experience that would be combined into a game an released on Individual members or teams was tasked with creating a single room (scene) in Unity. A basic room template was provided along with some basic features like the first-person controller, post processing, an interaction system and a basic dialog system. My contribution was a simple platforming puzzle where the player needed to find a key in order to open the door to the next room. The key and door were modeled in KenShape and sound effects were provided for free from Kenney as part of the RPG Audio pack.

Additionally I created an audio system designed to provide other contributors with a simple and common way to play sounds effects or music as part of each scenes. The system is based on one created for the Unity Open Project 1 and uses ScriptableObjects to communicate requests to an AudioManager which handles the actual playing of audio. Added on top of that system I added some functionality so players can adjust the volume through a UI panel that is part of the pause menu. Those settings are also persisted to Unity’s PlayerPrefs.